Hypertension permanent cure

"...I Fell To My Knees And Called Out To My Husband, Who Took One Look AT Me And Immediately Called Out To Neighbors For Help. Thereafter, I Was Rushed To The Hospital."

An Open Letter To Any Man Or Woman Who Wants To Reverse Hypertension Naturally Without Drugs. . .

If You're Even Remotely Interested In Discovering How To Cure Blood Pressure Naturally, I bet this is going to be the most important and exciting message you'll ever read this year.

You see, the first part of this publication is VERY painful for me to write.

It forces me to relive recent events about one of the most difficult patches of time in my entire life.

I almost decided NOT to write about this at all. But, I've got to get this off my chest before I explode.

I kid you not, you will be furious once you discover that this ‘Blood pressure formula” I’m about to reveal to you has been deliberately suppressed by greedy and immoral pharmaceutical companies who rake billions of dollars from blood pressure medicines . . .like ace inhibitors, calcium-channel blockers, beta-blockers, and more.

However, I'd want you to count yourself privileged to have this information you are currently reading.

You know why?

Because, I can’t guarantee that it will be here for long. I have taken it upon myself to share this to everyone who is serious about restoring their blood pressure to normal… And permanently.

I have done my own part in sharing this.

Make use of this information and act as quick as you can. 

In just a few seconds from now, you’re going to discover that despite what your doctor has told you, you don’t need meds to control your blood pressure at all – and you never did.


I’m going to reveal how a small, isolated tribe living in the depths of the Amazonian rainforest held the key to reversing my high blood pressure and transforming my cardiovascular health.


This ground-breaking discovery that has stunned the world of medical science, and has allowed me to safely (and permanently) lower my systolic blood pressure by nearly 80 points, and my diastolic blood pressure by close to 45 points in just over two months... saves my life.


In fact, before discovering this quick and simple treatment, I had been on blood pressure medications for over 10 years… And I was regularly in a state of hypertensive crisis…


And my own doctor had warned me I was dangerously close to a full-blown stroke that would leave me paralyzed, or even brain damaged.

But thanks to this 100% natural home remedy, which requires no medication of any kind… I, and thousands people, are now winning the war against hypertension. 


And as I speak, the big pharmaceutical companies are doing everything in their power to keep this simple method – hidden from the very people who need it most.

So, I urge you to keep reading, because this publication won’t be around for much longer. And believe me, what I’m about to reveal is NOT something you want to miss.

Now, imagine in as little as 3 months from now, being free from the worry, fear and inconvenience of high blood pressure.

  • Imagine no longer having to visit your doctor for test after test, or having to swallow another expensive and toxic blood pressure pill ever again.
  • Imagine being able to eliminate your current symptoms including headaches, confusion, fatigue, vision problems, chest pain, breathing difficulties, irregular heartbeat, blood in the urine, or pounding in your chest, neck or ears.

  • And imagine never again having to worry about suffering a fatal heart attack, or a sudden stroke that could leave you unable to walk, talk, or function normally.

This ground-breaking method has already helped nearly 24,000 people – of all ages – to safely lower their blood pressure within as little as 74 days.

 And it will work for you too, whether you’ve had high blood pressure for…

. . .one week or 10 years…

may be you are 30 years or 90 years old… 

Have mild or chronic hypertension… 

Or are suffering from moderate to severe side effects because of your meds…


But what you’re probably wondering right now is what this method actually is, and how an admittedly regular and unremarkable lady like me, with zero medical knowledge or training, came to stumble upon it.

In that case, let me tell you my remarkable story.

My name is Mrs Paulina Owowo, back in June 2009, I was a fit and healthy mother of 3 celebrating my husband’s birthday. 

Or at least I thought I was fit and healthy - because what should have been an enjoyable, fun-filled day for me and my family turned into the beginning of a 12-year nightmare.

It all started when I was doing the dishes in the kitchen, ensuring that friends and colleagues that came around enjoyed the time with us when I suddenly began to feel tired.

It was no big deal, so I carried on. But within minutes, I felt tightness in my chest, and I could barely breathe. 

I fell to my knee and called out to my husband, who took one look at me and immediately rushed me to the hospital.

. . .When my family arrived, I was hooked up to a monitor with all kinds of wires coming out of me.

My kids were terrified, and my youngest son Dominic took my hand, looked me straight in the eyes and said; “Mummy, please don’t die.”

It brought tears to my eyes, because I realized how quickly life could be taken away. Luckily, I was ok at least for the time being anyway.

But when the doctors took my blood pressure, it was 210/140. I didn’t even know that this was dangerously high until they told me. As you probably know yourself, high blood pressure carries no obvious symptoms, which is why it’s called ‘The silent killer’.

So, if you have never taken your blood pressure serious, you’ll only find out it’s a problem when you end up collapsing to the floor, unable to breathe and with crippling chest pain.

That’s what happened to me. I had a stressful job, a recent death in the family, and 3 kids to look after, but I had no idea my blood pressure was such a problem until that day.

I left the hospital relieved that it wasn’t a heart attack, or a full-blown stroke. After all, it was just high blood pressure.

How hard would that be to keep under control? Well, very hard – as it turned out!

Over the next 9 years, I was put on a variety of meds, from ace-inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, calcium-channel blockers, beta-blockers and diuretics.

Sometimes I was on 6, 7 or even 8 medications at once. And during these years, I lost any faith I ever had in the medical profession.

Not a single doctor had even a basic understanding of natural supplement, even though changes to diet and lifestyle are scientifically and medically proven to control blood pressure.

They weren’t interested in my long-term health. Instead, all they did was prescribe drugs after drugs just to get me out the door.

The problem was they didn’t seem to have a clue how my body would react to each one. It was like they were using a ‘suck it and see’ approach.

It was just trial and error but hey, it wasn’t their body they were playing around with, so what did it matter?

I went through so many different medications and suffered from a whole range of health problems.

There were so many, I had no idea whether they were side effects of the medication I was on, or simply my body breaking down as a result of hypertension.

I experienced strange chest pains and irregular heart rhythms that scared the life out of my husband and I.

My legs, hands and feet went numb for days at a time, at which point I was just given another round of meds.

One drug turned me into a walking zombie. I couldn’t think, focus, or remember anything. Another caused excessive urination, which stressed me out even more, and I was moved onto another drug to counteract that, which created a whole heap of new side effects.

Another caused my sodium levels, creatinine, urea and potassium levels to plummet. Plus, my liver began to expand causing a swollen stomach.

I was feeling wretched pretty much every day.

Plus, I was unable to escape the vicious medication merry-go-round that I was now trapped on.

A specialist told me that if I hadn’t been scheduled for a blood test when I was, my kidneys would have failed.

Panic and anxiety took over my life.

I was worried about what my blood pressure medications were doing to my body, and whether they might actually be the cause of all my problems.

So, I began looking into them, and the reports I found were terrifying.

I knew about all the side effects, like gastrointestinal bleeding, insomnia, dizziness, nausea, bleeding gums, and more.

But what I didn’t realize was that blood pressure meds have actually been proven to increase the risk of stroke, and even cancer too!

You heard me right.

The meds that were designed to “help” my cardiovascular health was in fact increasing my risk of stroke!

As per my research, a study by the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and published in the esteemed journal stroke, found that blood pressure medications increased stroke risk by a whopping 248%, while the risk of stroke went up 33% with each blood pressure medicine used. 

Another study published in the Lancet Oncology journal concluded that angiotensin-receptor blockers, or ARBs increased the risks of lung cancer by 25%.

Also, another study published in the journal, cancer, found that women taking calcium channel blockers were twice as likely to develop breast cancer as women who weren’t taking any high blood pressure medication at all!

I couldn’t believe what I was reading, but of course, my doctor kept pushing me to take the meds, telling me that I’d put myself at serious risk of a stroke or a heart attack if I didn’t.

I felt completely trapped and powerless.

I was damned if I did, and damned if I didn’t.

And then just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, I got the biggest fright of my life.

My husband and I were having a stupid argument about the laundry, when he suddenly stopped shouting and looked at me in horror.

I hadn’t realized but my face had dropped on the left side and my speech was slurred.

My husband quickly booked an Uber, and I was rushed to the hospital again – but this time I’d suffered a transient ischemic attack, or mini stroke.

The brain can’t function without a steady supply of oxygenated blood, and my high blood pressure had led to a blood clot, which had briefly blocked blood flow to my brain.

Over the next year I suffered two more TIA’s.

Each time I was fortunate to escape with my life, but I knew I had been lucky.

And I might not be so fortunate next time. T

he physician told me that I was facing a full-blown stroke, or even a heart attack, and it could strike at any moment.

But guess what?

His only solution was more meds!  Like many people with high blood pressure, I was a ticking time-bomb, and I knew I needed to do something about it, and fast.  But what could i possibly do?


Clearly injections and all that… wasn’t the answer.

Nothing had worked up to this point, and if I continue along this road I knew I was heading for an early grave.

So, I decided to take my health into my own hands.

I began thorough researched... I would stay up late to search the internet looking for natural/scientific ways to treat hypertension.

I read every research paper and analyzed hundreds of clinical studies.

I subscribed to several online medical libraries and combed through dozens of dusty old medical books.

And I tried every food, natural ingredient, herb, plant extract or supplement that even remotely hinted at being able to treat high blood pressure. Nothing worked.

But then just when I was close to giving up, something extraordinary happened.

I stumbled upon an dirty, old and long-forgotten article from 1988, buried in one of the online medical archives, which would finally put me on the path to defeating hypertension.

Here goes. . . 

International research team across the world was sent to explore the link between salt intake and hypertension.

The study looked at 10,079 males and females, 20 to 59 years of age, belonging to 52 populations in 32 countries in Africa, the Americans, Asia, and Europe.

During the study, which lasted 6 years, a remarkable discovery was made.

It was found that a tiny, isolated tribe living in the rainforest and mountains of northern Brazil had zero cases of hypertension.

These tiny tribes were known as Yanomamo Indians.

In fact, the average blood pressure came out at an astonishing 103/63 compared to an average of 120/74 for all the other 51 populations.

Plus, their blood pressure did not increase with age.

And another thing, whatever they were doing had literally left them immune to hypertension.

But here’s the thing, although the study confirmed previous reports that high blood pressure could be lowered by reducing salt intake - and this became the standard advice given out by the Medical establishment for the next 30 years.

The research team knew that it wasn't just a low salt intake that had managed to eliminate hypertension as it is in the case of Yanomamo Indians Population because other groups they’d studied ate barely any salt at all, yet there were still numerous cases of hypertension within those populations.  

And this is where the breakthrough happened.

According to the article, when the research team left Brazil, a small group of 4 men stayed behind, and spent the next 17 months studying the diet at the Yanomamo Indians in an attempt to find the secret to eliminating hypertension from western society for good.

During their studies of the Yanomamo Indians, the team discovered the higher protein diets with high fiber intakes led to a massive reduction in high blood pressure risk.

These findings were supported almost 30 years later, when the little-known study carried out at the Boston University School of Medicine, and published in the American Journal of Hypertension in March 2015, reported a huge 59% reduction.  

They also discovered that the Yanomamo Indians’ diet was rich in compound known as Hyprenin, found in beehives and bee products.

And once again, a study carried out at the Cardiac Surgical research unit at Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, and published in the Journal of Human Hypertension, supported this, concluding that Hyprenin was able “to lower systolic blood pressure by up to 70 point, and diastolic blood pressure by up to 10 points.”  

In fact, over that 17 months period, this small research team was able to pinpoint the exact foods, herbs, spices, berries and seeds that PREVENTED the Yanomamo Indians from ever becoming hypertensive.

They knew they were on to something potentially ground-breaking.  And they were confident that they could eliminate hypertension for good, just as the Yanomamo Indians had done so that no one would ever need to take blood pressure meds ever again, or have to suffer the horrible side effects that came with them.

The article concluded with the lead researcher stating that he intended to publish his full research shortly.

As I read the final paragraph, I was overcome with excitement, and I was shocked at everything I’d just read.

There was hope at last. I’d been through hell for 12 years, but it turned out that… there had been a proven way to beat this thing all along.

But why hadn’t anyone told me about it? Why didn’t the doctors know about this? Why didn’t everyone on earth already have access to this information? 

It would have saved millions of lives.

I couldn’t understand it at the time, and I searched relentlessly for the follow-up research, but I couldn’t find any mention of it anywhere, or the men involved.

Where was the full research paper that the team was planning to publish all the way back in 1988?

I couldn’t find it anywhere.

So, I decided that I had to get in touch with the research team myself. Here was a natural and completely safe way to beat hypertension. I simply couldn’t let that opportunity slip through my grasp – so I searched for a way to contact anyone involved in the study.

I wrote letters and emails to universities medical schools and research institutions that had any kind of link to the study.

And I left hundreds of messages. I received nothing back.

There was no sign of these 4 men. No reference to their work, no contact details. No mention of them anywhere, it seems like they’d simply vanished into thin air.

But why? They were respected cardiologist, medical researchers and hypertension specialists with an unrivalled reputation and decades of experience in their fields.

Plus, they had been involved in one of the most comprehensive and successful hypertension studies of all time.

And then, just when I’d all but given up hope, I received an anonymous email.

 It simply said this

“Hi Paulina, I believe you have been trying to get in touch with me about the findings of the Bracelet And Prepolis Miracle BP Supplement… And you are a Nigerian…my Skype ID is Terxxxxxxxx” 

Well, the email was unsigned, but the person had left a skype i.d and phone number for me to contact them.

Excited by what they might have to tell me, I immediately schedule a skype chat at his convenience. And what followed was the most eye-opening conversation of my life.

Over the next forty minutes, the man spoke calmly and eloquently, and was clearly highly intelligent.

But I could only strain my ears to hear his rather fast Scottish accent.

However though, I managed to make sense of everything he told me, especially as we were on live (video call) skype.

He told me his name, but asked that I not share it, and I agree to honor that request.

During the call he explained to me that back in 1991, after completing their 17-month study into Yanomamo Indians.

The team had decided to return to the US and put their research to test.

Working out of an Ivy-league medical school, they’d set about trialing their new supplement based on what they had discovered studying the Yanomamo Indians on 237 patients with various degree of hypertension within an average of just 67 days, each and every patient lowered their blood pressure levels dramatically, and effectively ‘reset” their blood pressure permanently. 

Blood pressure level fell from 210/140 to 115/68.  

From 200/135 to 118/65.

From 190 /120 to 116/74, and so on.

These blood pressure readings remained stabilized. 

The results were astounding. 

The team knew that they’d discovered a treatment that would send shockwaves through the medical community – a 100% natural and side-effect-free remedy that would allow anyone, regardless of age or gender, to lower their blood pressure quickly and easily, and return to optimum health in a matter of days. And crucially, eliminate the need for dangerous, life-threatening blood pressure meds completely.

After completing the pilot study, the man told me that he’d requested funding from his Medical School to perform a larger study and get the results published around the world. But after waiting for months, his request was denied.

As it turned out, although the head of his department had been blown away by the findings when he’d taken the team’s proposal to his bosses, he was told that while they supported the research in private, they couldn’t publish it publicly, and they wouldn’t be providing any further funding.

I asked why that was, and the response still shocks me to this day. Apparently, his Medical School wouldn’t publicly support the discovery as it was against the use of synthesized compounds in managing hypertension. I sat there open-mouthed as the man on the other end of the phone told me why.

It turned out that 75% of the medical school’s funding came from pharmaceutical companies, and they’d made it crystal clear that if they allowed them to publish this research, or even continue the work, every single cent of that funding would disappear overnight.

Disgusted by the situation, the entire 4-man team quit, and never returned to medicine.

I was shocked at the time, but as the gentleman explained the situation, it all made perfect sense.

The last thing that big pharma wanted was a dirt-cheap NATURAL supplement treatment plan for hypertension that was categorically proven to work - because blood pressure medications like ace inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, calcium-channel blockers, beta-blockers and diuretics rake in BILLIONS of dollars every year.

In fact, to give you an idea of just how much money Big Pharmaceutical is making from this market today, according to the NCDC (Nigeria Center for Disease Control), a whopping 24 million Nigerians now suffer from high blood pressure. 

That’s 1 in every 3 Nigerian adults.

And that’s not to mention all the medication that’s prescribed to treat other health conditions that are caused by high blood pressure, like angina, coronary artery disease, irregular heart rhythms, kidney failure, erectile dysfunction, stroke, neuropathy, osteoporosis, and many others.

With a cash-cow like this, there was absolutely no way the Big Pharmaceutical players were going to allow anything to threaten it especially a natural solution that is so simple and so easy that anybody can get with no medical knowledge whatsoever.

Disgusted by the situation, the old man on the phone had decided to make his treatment program available to the public – as far back as 1994.

As a result of his discovery that he couldn’t hold on to, he'd mass-produced a Hyprenin capsule (within his capacity). . .that helped people to lower their blood pressure naturally, in 3 months or less, and started handing it out in hospitals, medical centers, and clinics.

But as words spread about the incredible results that people were getting, he was threatened and warned to keep his mouth shut or get hunted.

Cars would follow him. He started to receive silent phone calls, anonymous letters and eventually he was forced to go into hiding when his family was threatened. “That was 24 years ago”, he said.

“And I haven't dared to speak out since.  I just couldn't risk it.”  

As I listened to his story, I was desperate for him to help me, and I practically begged him to share his treatment supplement.

After telling him about my struggle for hypertension and the side effects I’d encountered from all the medication, he agreed to hand over his treatment program, but only on one condition “I did not give you this”, he said.

“I am not legally responsible for what you do with it.

This is on you”. “Of course, I understand completely”, I replied.

11 days later I received a tightly wrapped brown parcel from the post and tore it open with excitement of a kid on Christmas morning.

This was it. The exact super-food supplement the team had discovered during the study was there with a detailed dosage instructions were laid out. 

I was how many I should take, and exactly when I should take them, in order to maximize their efficiency.

My husband was as committed to this as I was, and he ensured I followed the doze after meals.

Straight away, I found myself constantly checking my home blood pressure monitor for any change.

Day 1, 2, 3 and 4 passed, but there was little difference. 

But the gentleman had told me that it would typically take around 3 weeks before I noticed any real effects.

But then on day 16th, something remarkable happened, and it continued every day for the next 3 months.

I literally couldn’t believe what I was seeing, but my systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings began to steadily fall day by day. I went from a frightening 220 / 140 down to 140 / 90 in just 10 days. 

And over the next 60 days my blood pressure continued to fall, until it had reached a perfectly healthy 113 over 71 by day 71.

But not only that, I could feel the benefits too over the next few days, I felt like I was being reborn.

My energy levels were up, and tightness in my chest disappeared.

I was more alert and focused. My memory started to improve and all of the feeling came back to my limbs.

My kidney function bounced right back to where it had been more than a decade earlier as well.

I felt like a new human.

My husband was stunned at the difference, and so was my doctor.

He said that in all his years practicing medicine, he’d never seen such a transformation in someone’s health in such a short space of time.

“What medication did this?” he asked.

“Hyprenin capsule, I said, with a smile. 

And when I told him how I’d done it. . . 100% naturally, his jaw dropped.

Not wanting to jump the gun too soon, I continued with the routine, and waited until 30 days had passed to see if my blood pressure was still stable. It was. 

It was showing 115/68, so I called my anonymous friend to tell him the good news.

He picked up the phone and simply said three words: “Worked didn’t it?”

I was laughing and crying at the same time, and couldn’t stop thanking him for helping me.

“We have to get this out there” I said! “There are millions of Nigerians suffering right now who need to know about this.”

Although this pill is approved by FDA, yet the greedy ones who make multi-million in health industry would rather not do anything so this doesn’t get across to you.

Why? Because they don’t want you to stop patronizing their trial medicines.

. . .the man replied. “if they find out you are disrupting their market, they’ll get it taken down.

And they’ll take you down.

They always win, Paulina.”

“I don’t care”, I replied. “I have to try.” And that’s exactly what I did.

So, with his blessing, I worked solidly for 19 weeks just to get Hyprenin shipped into Nigeria in small quantity we could afford.

To say the utmost truth, few close friends who suffered from this same ailment for years restored their blood pressures in less than 70 days. 

Their cure was even rapid than mine. Maybe it’s because I suffered it for good 12yrs or something.

But all the same, the result is guaranteed for 90days or less irrespective of your case.

Amazed, by the feedback I got, I thought of how we could make this solution accessible to all Nigerians that cares to listen and seems helpless about their hypertension.

That was why we created this site. Just to share it and ensure we get it across to as many people as possible and then the apostolic approach of sharing the good news can go on from there.

Let me beg you at first as we go on. 

There are millions of people that are helpless in our country.

Once this works for you, please don’t hesitate to share with them.

That's what I referred to as the apostolic approach.

Jesus admonished his disciples to share the good news after he had left.

The numbers of people that have heard about him today are innumerable. Let us use the same approach for as many that may be suffering in silence.

Don’t wait for them to open up, approach them! If they prove stubborn, direct them to this website.

The Products Am Talking About Is Called. . .


Just so you know...

Hyprenin delivers for you beyond measures as it, lowers blood pressure, help treat bone disease, strengthens immunity, help treat allergies, boosts prostate cancer cell death, kill colon cancer cells, protects injured teeth, reduces stress and enhances athletic performance, protects injured teeth, help treat food poisoning.

115 over 68 in 90days

Hyprenin supplement is what I took to lower my blood pressure from a dangerous 220/140, all the way down to a safe and healthy 115 over 68 In just 90 days - and it is stayed at a healthy level ever since.

Purely natural...

This simple natural remedy succeeded in just 90 days where medication had failed for 12 years.

I can hardly wait for you to experience the same results yourself, starting today.

What you should know...

This wonder pill works perfectly for men, women, elderly, middle aged.

It contains 60 tablets per bottle.

And three(3) bottles are recommended as you take one pill in the morning and one in the evening.

That’s literally all it takes to start lowering your blood pressure in the next few days to transform your health, both in the short and long-term.

And just imagine for a second how that would feel imagine knocking 50, 60, 70 or even 100+ points off your blood pressure readings in a matter of days.

Imagine the relief at watching those numbers fall day by day, until your doctor gives you the all clear in no more than a few weeks from today...

. . .Imagine being able to dramatically reduce your risk of succumbing to any number of deadly health conditions, like stroke, heart failure, aneurysms, kidney failure, and more, and turning your health around in an instant.

Thousands of men and women just like you are doing exactly that right now, thanks to this discovery.

People like Mrs Grace Ukpong, from Calabar.

Grace Ukpong


In just 9 weeks on the program, she was able to reduce her systolic blood pressure by 77 points and her diastolic pressure by 63 points. Before that she’d spent years being moved from drugs to drugs because of painful side effects linked to her meds. Not anymore.

And then there’s Mr Chucks, from Owerri, Imo.

Chuckwu Ikenna

Business man

 He was recently diagnosed with stage 3 hypertension with a BP of 176 over 111. 

He was desperate to get these numbers down, but he’d heard so many horror stories about BP meds and their side effects that he wanted to try the natural route first.

Within 15 days his blood pressure started to fall, and by day 28, it was down to 125 over 80. A month later and it was 118 over 72, and it has stabilized at that level for months now.

“I dread to think where I’d be if I’d listened to my doctor and gone down the meds route” he told me. 

And then there’s Mrs Illiya Seun of Festac, Lagos.

Mrs Illiya Seun

Media Personnel

3 years ago, Illiya was diagnosed with hypertension with a reading of 160 over 100. 

She used to feel dizzy a lot, had painful cramps in her legs, and her potassium levels were so low it was causing her fingers and toes to cramp together.

One day Mrs Seun started to feel faint while driving her daughter to school and passed out, ploughing into a car and ending up in a ditch.

From that moment she knew she had to try something different. In just 41 days of taking this breakthrough supplement, her BP went from 175 over 110 to 125 over 70.

I have thousands more success stories just like those, from people all over the world, thanking me for putting this discovery online.

And because of the results people were getting, together with the risks I’ve been taking in putting this program out there, I’m sure you can understand why I originally considered charging as much as NGN550,000 for it.

But NO! I won't do that...

After all, each individual recipe contained within the Hyprenin protocol has been scientifically proven to lower blood pressure in clinical trials.

So, when you take Hyprenin religiously for 90days, the power of this treatment program is pretty clear to see.

But that’s not all you see, I understand that you may be a little skeptical right now.

After all, the entire medical industry, which is bankrolled by Big Pharmacies, has repeatedly told you that the ONLY way to manage your blood pressure is with medication.

Sure, they tell you to cut out salt, eat healthy and exercise, but that’s it.

Despite the incredible advances in nutritional knowledge that have occurred in recent years, the medical industry has NEVER given you a proven nutritional program for lowering your blood pressure.

Don’t you think that’s strange? 

It’s as if they don’t really want you to get better, right?

Well, they don’t. Because if one don't suffer from hypertension, and the many other health conditions that go alongside it, then the pharmaceutical companies and the healthcare industry itself would lose billions.

That's all they really care about it. And it makes me pretty sick.

But at the same time, I understand that the myth is strong. It's deeply embedded in our culture that drugs (not natural supplements) are the answer to all of our aliments …because they’re pushing for their selfish gain by priming you to always stay put with their prescription drugs.

So, if you're still a little unsure that this breakthrough natural remedy can produce the kind of results I've talked about on this publication, then I don't blame you at all. They want you to be skeptical about natural treatments.

They want you NOT to believe that this is possible. And I get that.

But here’s the thing.

If you are a little skeptical, I'm going to remove 100% of the risk on your end, by including a 60-day money back guarantee with your order.

in short, if you don't achieve the results you want, you don't pay. It's as simple as that.

So, go ahead and put Hyprenin to test in the comfort of your home, take it religiously as instructed, And if your blood pressure doesn't return to safe and healthy levels within the next 90 days, and you don't notice a massive improvement in your health, then simply call or message me at 080616****** 

and I will refund every penny of your purchased, with no questions asked.

That's how confident I am that you're going to absolutely BENEFIT from this breakthrough Capsule.

But before I tell you the cost of getting Hyprenin capsule, here’s something that’s important for you to understand.

I didn’t create this page to make money. 

I did it because after discovering the dramatic effects for myself, I couldn’t in good conscience deny other people the same opportunity to transform their health, just as I’ve been able to do.

And the last thing I wanted to do was price people out, and deny millions of people the chance to experience what I’ve experienced, so for that reason, I’m not going to ask you to pay NGN850,000-even though that’s still well short of what this breakthrough pill is actually worth.

In fact, I’m not even going to ask for half that, or one tenth for that matter!

Instead, you can pick up your recommended 3 bottles of Hyprenin capsule for N89,999.

One bottle goes for 34,999

So you end up saving N15,000 if you get the complete pack in one buy...

I've partnered with 'AEPOD COURIER Inc' to help take the calls and attend to whatever queries on my behalf.  They'll also be responsible to delivering this breakthrough product to your doorstep before you make payment.

Here's what your typical delivery package looks like. . .

Delivery Takes 24 to 42 hours if you're within Nigeria. . .

But if you're outskirt Nigeria, Chat me up on whatsApp with this number +2348037689616

And let me know your country of residence.

We use DHL to suffice international deliveries. However, you'll be responsible for the cost of shipping and handling.

  • Just imagine in as little as 3 months from now, being free from the worry, fear and inconvenience of high pressure as you take your ‘one potent pill’

  • Imagine …no longer having to visit your doctor for test after test, or having to swallow another expensive and toxic blood pressure pill ever again.

  • Imagine being able to eliminate your current symptoms including headaches, confusion, fatigue, vision problems, chest pain, breathing difficulties, irregular heartbeats, blood in the urine, or pounding in your chest, neck or ears.

  • …And imagine never again having to worry about suffering fatal heart attacks, or a sudden stroke that could leave you unable to walk, talk, or function normally.

Look my friend; there is nothing more depressing than to see yourself, your own health bouncing in and out as doctors seems to have run out of ideas of what to do as they move you to see one specialist to the other as they examine your organs.

It could be worrisome for you, it could be more worrisome for your loved ones.

I believe I have said enough, but at this point, it might not be useful for you if you aren’t keen about this ‘one potent remedy’ I have been talking about that has the ability to knock down your blood pressure in 3months of use.

Now, I completely understand if you’re feeling a little skeptical right now. After all, what I’m telling you today pretty much flies in the face of everything you’ve been told by doctors and the medical mainstream in general.

In fact, if I was reading this publication just 6 months ago, before I’d been able to experience this life changing treatment for myself, I would have been skeptical too.

To be honest, I wouldn’t have believed it at all because like millions of my fellow Nigerians, I was brainwashed into thinking that switching from one pill to another or taking combination of pills and coping with side effects was the only way to tackle high blood pressure.

But thankfully, I had an open mind. I put this ‘Hyprenin’ to the test, and it worked better than I could have ever imagined.

Frequently Asked Questions

If Hyprenin works so well, why haven't the big pharmaceutical companies licensed it themselves?

Is there any risk?

Would Hyprenin work for me based on my individual circumstances?

How long would this be available for?

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